On Sunday, May 25, the Cangzhou Qunying International Guo Shu Cup will take place again in Amsterdam. This competition will feature traditional forms of kung fu and an expo of traditional Chinese lion dance. We are also happy to have Ricardo Sousa helping with the traditional kung fu divisions.

The Cangzhou Qunying International Guo Shu Cup will have a jury which will include Martial Arts Experts and Grand Masters from China. These Masters will come especially for the competition and look forward to seeing the martial arts practitioners here in Europe. We are hopeful that they will be present but understand that in these uncertain times it may not always be possible.

We invite you to participate in this competition and hope to welcome you in Amsterdam on the 25 of May!


The competition will be based on individual competitors. Each competitor may compete in all categories : hand form, short and long weapons. The Duida will be open to all competitors who wish to compete.

This year, an all-around cash prize will be presented to the winner ( male and female) with the most points from all three categories by age category.

The competitors are divided by age (will be checked) and gender:

Males / Females 10 – 13 years

Males / Females 14 – 17 years

Males / Females 18+ years

Males / Females 40+ years

Each form performance must NOT be longer than 1 minute and 20 seconds.


The cost of this competition is 30,- euros for the first category and 10,- euros for each category added.

Please remember all forms played must be traditional forms and be played with traditional weapons. The weapons must be rigid and NOT flexible like modern weapons (WILL BE CHECKED).


It is important to us that the competitors take into account the kind of forms they play. Please do not play a modern wushu form or a form that has modern elements added to it. This can only lead to disappointment on the part of the participant.

These form and weapon rules apply for both Traditional and Shaolin Kung Fu participants.

Registration mail to Info@rskungfuacademy.com , deadline is 18 of May 2025. Our medals need to be ordered from China so please honor this deadline! Thank you. Schools should transfer the total competition costs of their participants to:

NL 61 INGB 000 807 2232 Liu He Men Stichting Amsterdam

Note: All funds must be transferred via bank, we will not accept cash at the door. 


  1. Download the registration form HERE.
  2. Email the form to Info@rskungfuacademy.com 


Date: 25th of MAY 2025 , SUNDAY

Location: Sportcentrum de Pijp

Lizzy Ansinghstraat 88

1072 RD Amsterdam

Time: 08:30 open for athletes to register (please be there by 09:00)

09:00 open for public

10:00 opening competition

17.30     End

Hotel recommendations:

Hotel Library Amsterdam

Hotel CC Amsterdam

Hotel City Garden

For more details or questions email  Info@rskungfuacademy.com 

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